Bucket List page 4






Chinaman's Hat

Oahu, Hawaii

It's a little island about a mile in the ocean. You have to time it right when the tide is low and walk to it. Cool experience.


Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity

Clemson University, SC

Participated in constructing a wall and a roof. Very interesting motive of the organization


Stay on a cruise ship

Goa, India


Best friend's bachelor trip!!

Ladakhi houses

Ladakh, India

These amazing houses were built like ant hills by carving the hills and constructing houses in them.


Walk the Golden Gate bridge

San Francisco, CA

It’s a pretty loooong walk!!


Stand on the hanging glass floor of Willis Tower on the 103rd story.

Chicago, IL

Amazing view of the city from up there.


Build a raft and sail to an Island

Peanut Island (named by Nathan), Lake Hartwell, SC

Found a broken raft on the shore. Fixed it and tried to sail on it. It sunk after we sailed for 20 feet.


Do the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Hollywood, CA

Michael Jackson's star was the most popular one!!


Drive the World’s highest motor able road

Khardung-la, Himalayas, India

The highest road in the world is at 17,582 feet which is accessed by the Indian Military. There are oxygen camps set up. Nausea is common.


Hike the Appalachian Trail (2200 miles)

Albert mountain
Standing Indian Mtn
Blood Mountain
Charlie’s Bunion

12 miles
28 miles
34 miles
8 miles


White water rafting

Manali, India
Smokeys, USA

Kept my not-so-waterproof camera in a lunch box. It fell off on one of the rapids. Chased it big time.


Selfie with the vice president of the United States

Clemson, SC

The moment when you wish to take a selfie with the VP, and instead he grabs your camera and takes one with you. Made my day!!


Stay on a yacht

Miami, FL

Got to stay on a friend of friend's yacht. Spend 3 days in luxury.


April fool pranks

Fooled 42/60 people

Best one- Invited a bunch of friends for a get together dinner at a restaurant in a different city. They’re after my life now.


One survival experience in the Himalayas

Mount Brighu,
14,100 feet

Took a silly risk to trek alone to reach group 1 at the summit by following their footsteps in snow. Used a dead mountain goat’s horns to hike in snow, stuffed dry grass in clothes to stay warm, survived on sugar cubes, suffered with snow bite. Reached the camp safely after 7 hours of trekking alone. Scary experience. The view was unbeatable.


Dine at one of the most expensive hotels in India

Taj Krishna, India

I was the victim. My cousins literally made a hole in my wallet!! And I still don’t remember why I decided to give them a treat :/


Be a part of a Student Organization

University Yearbook
CEDC (Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries)

Volunteered to work as the Sports Editor of Clemson University Yearbook. Totally worth it. Holding the Yearbook of 1929 in the photo.

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Snowboard down the toughest ‘Double Black Diamond’

Heavenly Ski resort, Lake Tahoe, CA

Barely made it all the way down in one piece!


Start a Sports Club

Hyderabad, India

Me and two other friends started a community club ‘Sulaimani Sports club.’ during our high school days. 406 members and counting!


Try Sun Bathing

Los Angeles, CA

You don’t usually find brown people sun bathing! I always wanted to try it though.



Lake Jocossee, SC

We canoed for 4 hours and explored a few waterfalls


Celebrate a birthday on a tiny island

Lake Jocassee, SC

Surprised a friend by taking her kayaking to a tiny 10'x10' island and having a birthday picnic


Visit a ghost town

East Colorado

We decided to explore some old roads near Colorado/Kansas border. Ended up passing through an abandoned town. Not a single soul. CREEPIEST TOWN EVER!


Passing my CRAZY Structural Engineering Exit exam

Clemson University, SC

After studying 16 hours a day, for 23 days, I finally nailed my 5 hour long Exit Exam required to graduate with 96%!!!


Play Golf

Dallas, TX
Greenville, SC

My little kid cousin has a huge golf course in his back yard. He taught me how to play golf.


Get inside a submarine

Vizag, India

Got permission to visit inside an Indian war submarine. The torpedoes' were HUGE!!


Volunteer for social causes

Spearhead camp
Greenville, SC

Hyderabad, India

‘Make a Difference’-
Hyderabad, India

Honest Walk-
‘IAS’ -NGO, India

Assisted Special need students. Interacting with them made me realize how some of their senses and skills were so sharp and strong. They’re special

Improvement of an underdeveloped school. Worked with a team to build a hygienic water tank.

Tutored 4th grade students in a poor school. I would transform into a kid myself.

Experienced staying at rural villages with no electricity, interacted with villagers and presented the NGO about their hardships.

Meet Mr. Bill Gates

Clemson University

I clicked pictures of his event at CU. I tried to meet him, but he was short on time and they didn’t let us meet. Next time!

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Drying Clothes in an Oven

Friend’s cabin in the woods, Tamassee, SC

We got wet while hiking and I didn’t have another pair of clothes. Well, put them to dry in the oven. My fav tee turned out to be smoking dry!


Hand stand in the middle of the highway

Highway 190, Death Valley Junction, CA

Stopped the car in the middle of a highway, pulled out the luggage bag and set the camera on a timer, and grabbed a quick pic!
