
My Clemson Experience

Part I

I’d like to share my experience from the perspective of an international student, who finds himself new to this place, it’s culture, it’s people; who is fascinated with every little new experience he’s had here, understands the lack of opportunities back home and tries to grab every little opportunity while he can, and who just wishes to live his college life to the fullest!!



I somehow convinced my parents to send me to the United States for my masters. I applied to a few Universities that interested me, and got accepted in all, except Clemson. I googled a little more about Clemson, and I instantly fell in love with this place. It had a strong vibe telling me this is where I wanted to be.

After inquiring a couple of times about my acceptance status and telling them how much I wanted to study here, I decided to give up. I called one last time to let Clemson know that I can only wait one more day for my VISA deadline. The next day as I was preparing to submit my documents for a different university, I got a call from the sweetest Mrs. Lisa from the International Services at Clemson, excitedly telling me that I have been accepted!

A week later, here was I, standing on the freshly cut grass of the historic Bowman Field, listening to the carol bells ringing in Tillman, with a big smile on my face.


I still remember my first day in Clemson. It was a cold morning and I was nervous yet excited to go to my first lecture. The CAT (Clemson Area Transit) bus stopped, the door popped open and the bus driver excitedly greeted us ‘Good Morning’ and welcomed us to Clemson. I had never been greeted by a bus driver before. Mrs. Sheila, the CAT bus driver became my good friend for the rest of my journey at Clemson.

On my way to class, I found myself talking to a jolly young man about the Clemson football traditions. Little did I know, he turned out to be my professor for that class. I don’t ever remember striking a conversation in India with my professor about anything else but academics.


The rest of the day, I turned into a tourist and started exploring the 17,000 acre campus. I visited the brightly lit Cooper Library to inquire about the services, and ended up striking a fun conversation with the security guard, Mr. Walter who became my favorite go-to person for the remainder of my time at Clemson. On my way back, I decided to walk back home. An elderly couple casually approached me in the middle of the street and ended up invited to have dinner with them one evening.

On the first day, I made friends with a bus driver, a professor, a security guard, the career center staff, and a random couple who still keep in touch with me after 5 years. There was something very magical about Clemson and it’s people!



Back home, students mostly don’t work on campus. Due to much need for employment, one would only find people working in book stores, fast food joints and cafeterias to earn a living. I had seen students working on campus only in movies. I was pretty excited to try one myself.

My first week on campus, and I started looking for a campus job. I found a good opportunity to work as a student police officer at the Clemson University Police department. Oh boy!! My fascination with American police dates back to the PC games ‘Need for Speed’ and ‘GTA Vice City’. I instantly decided where I was going to work for the next two years!

I started as a patrol unit, and eventually got promoted to a Corporal. The best part of my job was to monitor 108 cameras for suspicious activities around campus, and advice the Police officers for any activity on the radio using 10-codes. Getting people arrested was on my bucket list and this helped me check it off! ;)

The University I studied back home did not have any student organizations. I craved to be a part of something more than just academics. Clemson gave me an opportunity to participate and be a part of so many interesting organisations such as creative inquiry programs, research groups, photography club, the yearbook committee, backpacking club, and so many more.


I am an admirer of nature. Coming from a metropolitan city in India, I’ve always appreciated living in the country side even more. Clemson was the perfect fit. The gorgeous campus I studied in fascinated me everyday. After class, I would again transform myself into a tourist, grab my little camera and explore the hills, lakes and waterfalls on my beautiful campus.

I had never seen spring or autumn seasons before. I woke up to the first day of spring to see this huge tree outside my apartment blooming white. Bowman field had become my study spot for a while. I decided not to take the bus anymore, and I would walk to class and observe the same leaves changing color everyday. Friends thought I was obsessed with autumn.

I really think, living in a beautiful place and among friendly people has a very powerful effect on us. In these two years at Clemson, I felt life became less chaotic and much more peaceful. To be continued in next blog…

Shehzad Ziaee11 Comments